About ECJ

Some days, we must let our inner confused jellyfish roam free.



Hello! I’m the one behind ECJ. I’m female, so you can use she/her pronouns.

If you can’t tell, this blog is just for fun. Strange things will happen (not that they haven’t already). There will be doodles. There will also be writing-only posts (which will be categorized as “No Jellyfish”). Basically, whatever random crap I come up with will be here. And, as promised, there will be a lot of jellyfish.

However, that also means that I (sadly) won’t be able to update it as much as I’d like to due to it not being prioritized.

So, yeah. It’s just me and my post mediam noctis antics. Since it’s just me here, you can refer to me by my username or its abbreviation (extremelyconfusedjellyfish/ECJ). Thanks for reading! c: